Good Christian books have always been a vital way of introducing people to the Christian faith, or nurturing them into a healthy Christian life. Here are some from a range of authors as well as some others by Mark Johnston.

10 Christian Books Worth Reading

There are vast numbers of Christian books and many are well worth reading. These ten suggestions represent everything from a beginner’s guide to the Christian Faith to one of the greatest ever summaries of the Christian Faith.

Knowing God

James I. Packer (Hodder & Stoughton)

A modern classic bringing us to the very heart of what it means to be a Christian: to know God as he really is. It has helped many Christians to dig deeper into the faith

What is the Gospel?

Greg Gilbert (Crossway)

A relatively recent book that is short and easy to read. It is endorsed by D.A. Carson and is a great introduction to what the gospel is and why it matters for everyone

Pilgrim’s Progress

John Bunyan (Banner of Truth)

Next to the Bible, this book is the most translated and most widely published Christian book of all time. Despite its quaint style and language, it never ceases to enthral people of all ages

From the Mouth of God

Sinclair B. Ferguson (Banner of Truth)

The Bible is the book that lies at the heart of the Christian faith, but what are we to make of it and how should it be studied? This little volume is a very helpful answer to both these questions

Communion with God

John Owen (Banner of Truth)

John Owen, a 17th Century pastor-theologian, is widely regarded as the greatest English theologian. His works are not easy to read, but this abridged version is a great taster for the rich insights he provides to saving faith as set out in the Bible

Trusting God, Even when Life Hurts

Jerry Bridges (NavPress)

The world is full of suffering and Christians suffer too. Jerry Bridges explores the enigma of suffering and pain and opens up new horizons on how we understand and handle it

The Christian Life

Sinclair B. Ferguson (Banner of Truth)

‘What is a Christian?’ is one of the easiest yet hardest questions to answer. This book pitches the answer somewhere in the middle and is a ‘must read’ for everyone who takes it seriously

Devoted to God’s Church

Sinclair B. Ferguson (Banner of Truth)

‘Church’ is the most misunderstood institution the world has ever known; yet, according to the Bible, it is the most important of all. To belong to it and learn to be part of it will transform our lives. This book will make you see it in a whole new way.

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

John Calvin [J.T. McNeill edition] (Westminster John Knox Press)

John Calvin is arguably the most influential theologian of all time and this two-volume work is among the most important books ever written. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but will not fail to benefit anyone who makes the effort to read it

Books by Rev Mark G. Johnston

Child of a King: The Biblical Doctrine of Adoption

(Christian Focus Publications)

Exploring what it means to be adopted by grace into God’s family and given the privilege of knowing him as our Father.

You in Your Small Corner: The Elusive Dream of Evangelical Unity

(Christian Focus Publications)

Division among Christians has marred life of the church through the ages. Here’s the challenge to pursue true unity.

Let’s Study John

(Banner of Truth)

An expository commentary on the Gospel of John along with Study Guide. Useful for personal study or for Small Group Bible Studies.

Let’s Study 2Peter & Jude

(Banner of Truth)

An expository commentary on the letters of 2 Peter and Jude along with Study Guide. Useful for personal study or for Small Group Bible Studies.

Our Creed: for Every Culture and for Every Generation

(P&R Publications)

An introduction to the Apostles’ Creed, opening up the key truths it covers and seeing its enduring value for the church.

Let’s Study Colossians & Philemon

(Banner of Truth)

An expository commentary on the letters of Colossians and Philemon along with Study Guide. Useful for personal study or for Small Group Bible Studies.

Glorious Body, Radiant Bride: A Banner Mini-Guide to the Church

(Banner of Truth)

A fresh look at the importance of church in the Bible and as a key component of healthy Christian living.

No longer slaves, but Sons; A Welwyn Commentary on Galatians

(Evangelical Press)

A commentary on Paul’s letter to the Galatians where he deals with the law and how it relates to the liberating grace of God in the gospel.

This World is not my Home: Reflections for Pilgrims on the Way

(Banner of Truth)

Why do so many people feel restless and rootless in life? And why do Christians so often feel as though we do not fit within the ethos of the world around us? This World is to my Home explores this theme as it runs from Genesis to Revelation through the Bible and finds its focus uniquely in Christ and his experience during his life on earth.