Jesus tells the church that the world is its mission field. So, in line with this, Groomsport EPC sees the importance of global missions in our vision to serve.

The main focus in our missionary interest ties in with the agencies and individuals supported by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. These are Mission Africa, Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) and International Mission to the Jewish People (formerly Christian Witness to Israel.) We have a particular interest in the work of Mission Africa, EMF (European Missionary Fellowship) and SASRA (Soldiers and Airmen’s Scripture Readers’ Association.) These can all be accessed through the Useful Links Tab on our Resources page.

We also seek to maintain links with other Christian agencies – some local, such as CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and others from different parts of the world – in order to pray regularly for the wider work of the church.

We also believe it is important to remember our fellow Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ and their stand for the gospel.

Our longterm desire is to see individuals from within our church catch the vision for international mission and sense the call to take up the task of bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth.